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Essential qualities Managers’ wish to enhance and the role of AI. Second of two articles.

The first article identified the essential qualities managers look for when recruiting new team members. It also revealed the gaps between what managers think they require and the way they act. This article discusses the essential qualities managers wish to improve and enhance in themselves, in comparison to the qualities they look for in potential employees.


Employee’s essential qualities: Managers’ perception and actions. First of two articles.

The Marker magazine published the results of a survey it conducted in cooperation with Afeka -the Academic College of Engineering, a few weeks ago. This article presents some of the most important insights emerging from the survey and thoughts of three leading HR and recruitment managers. The article also discusses the differences I found between what managers think they require and their actions. 


Do’s and Don’ts for new CEOs and managers

When you are a new a manager, all eyes are on you. Whether you start in a new company or are promoted in your own company, it is important to learn, not to teach.


How to become a transparent business?

A company gave its employees a quarterly bonus. The bonuses were granted to employees who met their personal targets, which were determined according to an agreed scale. The employees were used to receiving the quarterly bonus and eagerly anticipated it at the end of each quarter.


Why do managers leave work and what can be done to prevent it?

In one of the trainings sessions, I recently conducted for leading improvement teams, Tamir, one of the trainees, said that in his opinion, employees don’t leave the jobs, they leave their managers. In other words, they left their jobs because of their direct managers.  “That is the main reason employees leave or stay on in the job”, he claimed.


What can be achieved in four-day workweek and what can we learn from it?

Do you remember the days when we worked six days a week? Has moving to five days had a bad effect on employers or employees? Has efficiency decreased? Have we been achieving less?


How to work with the Pareto principle these days

Assuming the company sells 20 products, the items are listed from the products generating the highest profit at the top of the list to the products generating the lowest profit at the bottom of the list. According to the Pareto principle, there is a good chance that the first four products on the list produce around 80% of the company’s revenues. If we focus on improving the profitability of these four products, we will achieve substantial improvement of the company’s profitability in an effective way.


When should CEOs appear on site and when should they stay away?

A CEO I once met, who well understood the importance of measuring but could not maintain systematic, continuous measuring performance, excused himself by saying that he had strong intuition and knew his company well without measuring. Intuition and gut feelings are valuable and important when making decisions. However, they do not replace measuring.


Important KPIs to run a business – part VII: Special KPIs and Summary

Part VII is the last chapter in the series. It includes a short summary of the previous chapters.


Important KPIs to run a business – part VI: Research, Development & Engineering

The current series of articles focuses on the important KPIs every business must monitor. I have written articles regarding this very important issue over the past few years. However, the current series presents KPIs in a concise form, easily expanded, when required.


Important KPIs to run a business – part V: Quality and Marketing

This article will present the KPIs under the responsibility of Quality and Marketing managers. Annual and special KPIs will follow at the end of the article.


Important KPIs to run a business – part IV: Operation and sales

This article presents the KPIs under the responsibility of Production managers, Quality managers, Sales managers, Marketing managers and Engineering & Research, development managers. The KPIs are shortly presented with links to learn more about them in greater detail.


Important KPIs to run a business – part III: Supply Chain

The current series of articles focuses on the important KPIs every business must monitor. I have already written many articles regarding this very important issue. However, this article focuses on shortly presented Supply Chain KPIs.


Important KPIs to run a business – Part II: Human Resources and Finance

In the current series of articles, I focus on the important KPIs every business must monitor. I have already written many articles regarding this very important issue. However, this article focuses on concisely presented KPIs with links to learn about them in greater detail.


Important KPIs to run a business – part I: The KPI reports CEOs Regularly measure

It is widely accepted that without data and careful analysis, businesses cannot advance. Not assessing and not controlling processes is like driving a car without the ability to see the way or check how much petrol is left in the tank.


Will Hanan Freidman revolutionize customer service in Israel?

The CEO of Leumi Bank, Mr. Hanan Freidman, has recently made a public announcement which revolutionizes the service the bank provides to its customers. Hanan committed to personally make sure that all customers’ requests are resolved within 24 hours and if not, customers are encouraged to communicate with him on his private WhatsApp. This, among other actions the bank is implementing,  will overturn the way customer service has been practiced in Israel for decades.


The best way to manage employees during wartime

This article focuses on the principles of managing employees during wartime.


How to run a business during wartime?

This article was written during wartime. Life continues and businesses continue to operate. I have recently been asked many important questions regarding the correct way to operate a business in the face of the current difficulties and obstacles.


Clever marketing VS wise consumers: How does packaging affect consumers?

A few days ago, at one of my late-night stops at a gas station, I felt like eating a popsicle. Unable to decide which brand to choose, I bought one of each. At that point I noticed that although wrapped in similar size wrappings, one popsicle weighed more than the other. MAGNUM weighed 85 grams while Milka weighed only 69 grams. The Milka popsicle is more expensive. Yes, it costs more though it is substantially smaller.


How to create winning teams?

A management board of a retail chain outlets decided to set a prize-winning competition between the outlets. The competition aimed at providing an incentive to increase sales. The prize was a medal for the winning team and an invitation for two to a fancy dinner for the team members.


For and Against Pay Transparency in Businesses

Does everyone know what other people earn in your company? If the answer is “yes”, is it official information or is it spread by word of mouth? What effect does knowing what other people earn have on gender pay? How does it affect employee’s motivation?


Is the CEO connected to the shop floor?

A few days ago, I went shopping at a D.I.Y store Upon entering, I was directed to the department I was looking for, but no staff member was present. It took me a few minutes to locate someone who was able to tell me the name of the employee responsible and a few more minutes to find the employee who answered my questions about the product I wanted to buy.


How to generate commitment to perform

This article is about the challenges managers face when trying to implement decisions and assignments reached during these meetings.


Extraordinary Management Decisions of CEOs

Today I present five CEO’s excellent decisions that led them to great achievements. Some of those decisions were taken at a moment of crisis and turned things around. Others were taken by intuition and led the way to success. Making these decisions required courage and determination.


Five most common mistakes shared by CEOs

This article is not about momentary misjudgments or wrong decisions made on the spur of the moment. It is about mistakes which are made by CEOs who are driven by approaches that, in my opinion, are incorrect and can cause substantial negative impact on business results.


Are there female management positions?

For the last eight years I have been publishing articles dedicated to International Women’s Day, which falls on March 8th. Why publish an article dedicated to International Women’s Day? Is it an admission that my other articles do not address women on all other days of the year? No, not at all. All my articles address both men and women, but the articles written specially for International Women’s Day examine the unique aspects related to women in business.


How to fire employees the right way?

A separation won’t stop a couple from thinking about each other. In the same way, termination of employment doesn't stop employers and fired employees from talking about one another. Managers and employees continue to mention previous employees’ names, and dismissed individuals continue to talk about their former place of work.


Interpersonal communication in a fast and busy world

I was on my way to a meeting with Ilan, Dovi and a few other people when I received a message from Yigal asking me to check something for him. Before joining the meeting, a few minutes too late, I opened my messages for a brief glance. I then entered the meeting noting to myself to get back to Yigal right after the meeting.


Pareto principle or The rule of 80-20

Let us assume that we wish to improve the company’s profitability. The company sells 20 products. We then insert those items into a table - the product generating the highest profit will appear at the top row of the list, and the product generating the lowest profit will be the last item on the list. According to the Pareto principle, there is a good chance that the first four products on the list produce around 80% of the company’s revenues.


How Determined Should You Be Achieving Goals?

Yesterday we hiked from Neve Ativ to Birkat Man and from there to the lower parking lot of the Hermon site. The weather was wonderful. The sun was with us all day. There was snow, there were amazing views and an excellent group of hikers. Bottom line - it was excellent. But as sometimes happens, the road to the goal – the trip – was full of pitfalls.

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Manage Cover Front w150My First Book: Manage! Best Value Practices for Effective Management

The book brings together a set of tools that every CEO should know, presenting them in a clear, concise and consistent fashion that will leave the reader with comprehensive and useful knowledge to assist them in their careers as managers.

Read the first chapter & Reviews from previous readers >>