Team Members

Ze'ev Ronen - Founder and CEO

Ze'ev Ronen, B.Sc. I have extensive experience in managing companies and sub-divisions in Israel and world-wide. I have expertise in overhauling companies on the verge of bankruptcy and turning them profitable. Currently, I am a consultant and lead enhancement and improvement process in companies and private initiatives. 

Itzik Lev

Itzik Lev. Over the past few years, has worked in senior managements positions in companies in Israel and Western Europe. Has a lot of experience in leading organizational changes, business development, and sales and marketing. Has an in-depth knowledge of the European market, a strategic point of view, familiarity with varied industries and a broad technical background. Has a M.Sc. in machine engineering, business management.

Kathy Or

Holds a BA in psychology from the University of Haifa, with a specialization in "work motivation". MBA from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in the Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management program. For the last eleven years Kathy has worked as an HR manager in an export/import company, establishing an HR department, and working with teams from varied fields and with different characteristics. Kathy has experience working with sales, marketing, customer service departments, and dealing…

Ronit Erez

An organizational consultant, workshops guide, and business coach, with many years of experience. Guides and supports organizations and managers who work in a dynamic and competitive environment, which is often extremely challenging. Organizations which must constantly develope and become more efficient, while also needing to communicate in a proper and attentive way with employees. Consult to private organizations - pharma, communication, high-tech, traditional industries, and more. And to public ones - Ministry of Health, Ministry…

Batzi Tzur

My name is Batzi Tzur, a wife and mother of 6 living in Yad Binyamin. I have a B.Sc. in Biotechnology Engineering from Ben Gurion University, and a training certificate in public company boards from the Open University's School of Management. I've also taken a fascinating course in investment according to the Benjamin Graham method, where I learned, among other things, how to read the story told by financial records. For the last decade I've…

Dubi Shore

An industrial engineer with a B.Sc. from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Dubi has extensive experience of over 35 years in industrial engineering, and as a manager with varied knowledge in different metal, hi-tech and food industries, in factories with over 300 employees. He was CEO of various companies for over 12 years, and has comprehensive managerial knowledge in all fields, including finance, marketing, sales, and operations. Dubi has worked as a business…

Michael Sela

A manager of programs and projects with a rich engineering background and experience in international marketing. Michael has a varied experience with companies in Israel and abroad in different sectors, including military industries, telecom, and energy. Some of the companies he had worked with include B.V.R, Comverse (including outsourcing in India), Logal, and CES. Specializes in implementing management styles from high-tech to other industries.

Nava Klein

Nava Klein, PhD. I have a Bachelor in chemistry from Ben Gurion University, and a Masters and Doctorate in applied chemistry from the Hebrew University. I have 27 years experience working at HP Indigo, and 20 years as a manager in a digital field, including managing a R&D department developing degradable materials and products. Between 2014-2018 I was CO of HR and part of the management team at my company. Since 2018 I've been the…

Reut Levi

Organizational development consultant and Human Resources manager. I have experience of over seventeen years in various organizations, including Haifa Chemicals, Gaon Holdings Group, and Hogla-Kimberly. I work with large organizations and start-up companies on organizational development, HR management, and creating an HR strategy (from characterization to implementation). I specialize in managerial development, process management, and consultation to CEOs, senior management and employees of all levels. I have a BA in Social Sciences, and an MA…

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The guidance we received from Ze’ev was very meaningful for us, both professionally and personally. The process of dividing the workers into teams and leading…
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Zeev Ronen directed three groups in the product plant for a period of 12 months. At first, both management and employees expected yet another advisor…
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Zeev Ronen of Business Excellence was an advisor for us on a designated project to create a process for selecting organizational KPI's (key performance indicators).…
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Dear Ze'ev Ronen, I wish to thank you for the excellent work you did with Adin Dental Implant Systems, over the last five years. During…
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Manage! Best Value Practices for Effective Management

Read the first book by Ze'ev Ronen: "manage!" provide a fresh look on how you can improve business results by making your company matter to your employees.

"Manage" by Ze'ev Ronen - Front Cover

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Manage Cover Front w150My First Book: Manage! Best Value Practices for Effective Management

The book brings together a set of tools that every CEO should know, presenting them in a clear, concise and consistent fashion that will leave the reader with comprehensive and useful knowledge to assist them in their careers as managers.

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