The unique and patented Hexa-Cover® system is a brilliant cover for all kinds of liquid surfaces, and today is installed in many kinds of: Basins, Lagoons, Reservoirs, Containers, Ponds Tanks etc.
Hexa Cover floating cover on Mekorot water reservoir
The unique Floating Cover System
The unique and patented Hexa-Cover® system is a brilliant cover for all kinds of liquid surfaces, and today is installed in many kinds of:
Tanks etc.
Hexa-Cover® is the ideal solutions when it comes to eliminating:
Free access to the liquid when e.g. stir-ring, emptying
Expected service life 25 years
Favorable price
No operating costs
Lower total costs (less consumption of e.g. water and power
No repair costs for damaged roofs
tarpaulins etc.
No supervision
Environment-friendly; i.e. less CO2 emission and lower consumption of scarce resources
Easy Installation
Easy Installation:
Hexa-Cover® is delivered in large bags, and is easily poured onto the liquid surface where it will distribute itself automatically, and form a closed cover (as shown in the pictures left).
Watch Full Installation of Hexa-Cover Floating Cover in Israel - 'Mekorot' company
Easy Handling
Easy handling:
No supervision
No operating costs
No repair
Easy Access
Easy Access:
Whenever needed, access to the liquid is pos-sible anywhere. The floating tiles can be simply pushed aside with the equipment e.g. a pump, a hose or a mixer. When the equipment is removed, the tiles will reorganize, and close the openings.
The Hexa-Cover® tile has been designed as a hexagonal element with symmetric ribs on both sides.
The ribs makes the floating elements distribute themselves naturally and uniformly on the liquid surface without overlapping.
A specific gravity of 0.5 kg/l ensures that the elements will be level with the surface.
The unique design makes the elements interlock by wind pressure and ensure that the Hexa-Cover® tiles mechanically constitute a coherent cover.
Hexa-Cover® tiles are manufactured from recycled plastic with no use of Freon or the like!
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