Ceaser Stone (Even Keisar) - Eli Frank, Operation Manager

Ceaser Stone (Even Keisar) - Eli Frank, Operation Manager

To whom it may concern,

Ze’ev Ronen and Itzik Lev mentored an improvement team at the Caesar Stone factory at the Bar-Lev industrial area.

First, they diagnosed the factory, held meetings with workers and managers, and checked all the relevant data. They produced a report summarizing their finding and recommendations.

We agreed on a slow working improvement team focusing on inventory. We set measurable goals and parameters in order to monitor the team’s progress. The team met weekly for about four months. It produced many recommendations and initiated action that caused a substantial increase in savings and a lowering of slow inventory.

The team continues to work independently and bring about improvements.


Eli Frank,

Operation Manager, Caesar Stone Factory

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An organizational consultant, workshops guide, and business coach, with many years of experience. Guides and supports organizations and managers who work in a dynamic and…
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Organizational development consultant and Human Resources manager. I have experience of over seventeen years in various organizations, including Haifa Chemicals, Gaon Holdings Group, and Hogla-Kimberly.…
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Ze'ev Ronen, B.Sc. I have extensive experience in managing companies and sub-divisions in Israel and world-wide. I have expertise in overhauling companies on the verge of bankruptcy…
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My name is Batzi Tzur, a wife and mother of 6 living in Yad Binyamin. I have a B.Sc. in Biotechnology Engineering from Ben Gurion…
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