Ronit Erez

Ronit Erez

An organizational consultant, workshops guide, and business coach, with many years of experience.

Guides and supports organizations and managers who work in a dynamic and competitive environment, which is often extremely challenging.

Organizations which must constantly develope and become more efficient, while also needing to communicate in a proper and attentive way with employees.

Consult to private organizations - pharma, communication, high-tech, traditional industries, and more.

And to public ones - Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services, and Ministry of Economy and Industry.

An expert in addressing the big picture, including diagnosing the organization's needs, creating a plan, and guiding the necessary processes. Ronit promotes communication with clients, systematic thought, and leads the implementation of the each company's unique organisational change.

She works with diverse methods: coaching, mentoring, guiding, and working with management. All according to the unique client and challenge.

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An organizational consultant, workshops guide, and business coach, with many years of experience. Guides and supports organizations and managers who work in a dynamic and…
more about Ronit Erez
Itzik Lev. Over the past few years, has worked in senior managements positions in companies in Israel and Western Europe. Has a lot of experience in…
more about Itzik Lev
Ze'ev Ronen, B.Sc. I have extensive experience in managing companies and sub-divisions in Israel and world-wide. I have expertise in overhauling companies on the verge of bankruptcy…
more about Ze'ev Ronen - Founder and CEO
An industrial engineer with a B.Sc. from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Dubi has extensive experience of over 35 years in industrial engineering,…
more about Dubi Shore

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From 1989 to 1994, Zeev served as CEO of Shamir Optical, where I have served as Vice President of R&D since then and up to…
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Zeev Ronen of Business Excellence was an advisor for us on a designated project to create a process for selecting organizational KPI's (key performance indicators).…
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Zeev Ronen served as a factory manager at Nestle Israel (Osem ltd.), in Yoqneam, from 1996 to 2005. During most of this period, I was…
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To whom it may concern, Ze’ev Ronen and Itzik Lev mentored an improvement team at the Caesar Stone factory at the Bar-Lev industrial area. First,…
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Manage! Best Value Practices for Effective Management

Read the first book by Ze'ev Ronen: "manage!" provide a fresh look on how you can improve business results by making your company matter to your employees.

"Manage" by Ze'ev Ronen - Front Cover

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Manage Cover Front w150My First Book: Manage! Best Value Practices for Effective Management

The book brings together a set of tools that every CEO should know, presenting them in a clear, concise and consistent fashion that will leave the reader with comprehensive and useful knowledge to assist them in their careers as managers.

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