Ze'ev Ronen

CEO & Founder of Business Excellence.

Has extensive experience managing companies and business units in Israel and the world, and founding start-ups.

My unique specialty is increasing net profit in companies and leading systematic changing in operations and management in companies facing bankruptcy, bringing them to profit.

Contact me on zeev.ronen@business-excellence.co.il or on +972-524-767531.

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CEO & Founder of Business Excellence.

Has extensive experience managing companies and business units in Israel and the world, and founding start-ups.

My unique specialty is increasing net profit in companies and leading systematic changing in operations and management in companies facing bankruptcy, bringing them to profit.

Contact me on zeev.ronen@business-excellence.co.il or on +972-524-767531.

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Important KPIs to run a business – part VI: Research, Development & Engineering

The current series of articles focuses on the important KPIs every business must monitor. I have written articles regarding this very important issue over the past few years. However, the current series presents KPIs in a concise form, easily expanded, when required.

CEO & Founder of Business Excellence.

Has extensive experience managing companies and business units in Israel and the world, and founding start-ups.

My unique specialty is increasing net profit in companies and leading systematic changing in operations and management in companies facing bankruptcy, bringing them to profit.

Contact me on zeev.ronen@business-excellence.co.il or on +972-524-767531.

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Important KPIs to run a business – part V: Quality and Marketing

This article will present the KPIs under the responsibility of Quality and Marketing managers. Annual and special KPIs will follow at the end of the article.

CEO & Founder of Business Excellence.

Has extensive experience managing companies and business units in Israel and the world, and founding start-ups.

My unique specialty is increasing net profit in companies and leading systematic changing in operations and management in companies facing bankruptcy, bringing them to profit.

Contact me on zeev.ronen@business-excellence.co.il or on +972-524-767531.

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Important KPIs to run a business – part IV: Operation and sales

This article presents the KPIs under the responsibility of Production managers, Quality managers, Sales managers, Marketing managers and Engineering & Research, development managers. The KPIs are shortly presented with links to learn more about them in greater detail.

CEO & Founder of Business Excellence.

Has extensive experience managing companies and business units in Israel and the world, and founding start-ups.

My unique specialty is increasing net profit in companies and leading systematic changing in operations and management in companies facing bankruptcy, bringing them to profit.

Contact me on zeev.ronen@business-excellence.co.il or on +972-524-767531.

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Important KPIs to run a business – part III: Supply Chain

The current series of articles focuses on the important KPIs every business must monitor. I have already written many articles regarding this very important issue. However, this article focuses on shortly presented Supply Chain KPIs.

CEO & Founder of Business Excellence.

Has extensive experience managing companies and business units in Israel and the world, and founding start-ups.

My unique specialty is increasing net profit in companies and leading systematic changing in operations and management in companies facing bankruptcy, bringing them to profit.

Contact me on zeev.ronen@business-excellence.co.il or on +972-524-767531.

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Important KPIs to run a business – Part II: Human Resources and Finance

In the current series of articles, I focus on the important KPIs every business must monitor. I have already written many articles regarding this very important issue. However, this article focuses on concisely presented KPIs with links to learn about them in greater detail.

CEO & Founder of Business Excellence.

Has extensive experience managing companies and business units in Israel and the world, and founding start-ups.

My unique specialty is increasing net profit in companies and leading systematic changing in operations and management in companies facing bankruptcy, bringing them to profit.

Contact me on zeev.ronen@business-excellence.co.il or on +972-524-767531.

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Important KPIs to run a business – part I: The KPI reports CEOs Regularly measure

It is widely accepted that without data and careful analysis, businesses cannot advance. Not assessing and not controlling processes is like driving a car without the ability to see the way or check how much petrol is left in the tank.

CEO & Founder of Business Excellence.

Has extensive experience managing companies and business units in Israel and the world, and founding start-ups.

My unique specialty is increasing net profit in companies and leading systematic changing in operations and management in companies facing bankruptcy, bringing them to profit.

Contact me on zeev.ronen@business-excellence.co.il or on +972-524-767531.

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Will Hanan Freidman revolutionize customer service in Israel?

The CEO of Leumi Bank, Mr. Hanan Freidman, has recently made a public announcement which revolutionizes the service the bank provides to its customers. Hanan committed to personally make sure that all customers’ requests are resolved within 24 hours and if not, customers are encouraged to communicate with him on his private WhatsApp. This, among other actions the bank is implementing,  will overturn the way customer service has been practiced in Israel for decades.

CEO & Founder of Business Excellence.

Has extensive experience managing companies and business units in Israel and the world, and founding start-ups.

My unique specialty is increasing net profit in companies and leading systematic changing in operations and management in companies facing bankruptcy, bringing them to profit.

Contact me on zeev.ronen@business-excellence.co.il or on +972-524-767531.

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The best way to manage employees during wartime

This article focuses on the principles of managing employees during wartime.

CEO & Founder of Business Excellence.

Has extensive experience managing companies and business units in Israel and the world, and founding start-ups.

My unique specialty is increasing net profit in companies and leading systematic changing in operations and management in companies facing bankruptcy, bringing them to profit.

Contact me on zeev.ronen@business-excellence.co.il or on +972-524-767531.

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How to run a business during wartime?

This article was written during wartime. Life continues and businesses continue to operate. I have recently been asked many important questions regarding the correct way to operate a business in the face of the current difficulties and obstacles.

CEO & Founder of Business Excellence.

Has extensive experience managing companies and business units in Israel and the world, and founding start-ups.

My unique specialty is increasing net profit in companies and leading systematic changing in operations and management in companies facing bankruptcy, bringing them to profit.

Contact me on zeev.ronen@business-excellence.co.il or on +972-524-767531.

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How does courtesy contribute to business?

Dan was rushing to a meeting. He could not find parking space in the car park of the tower building. Suddenly he spotted a free parking slot. He accelerated towards the slot only to realize that a female driver was maneuvering her car into that slot. She drove backwards and forwards trying to steer her way between the lines. That was all Dan needed. He quickly pushed in front and parked his car, leaving the lady driver bewildered.

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Manage! Best Value Practices for Effective Management

Read the first book by Ze'ev Ronen: "manage!" provide a fresh look on how you can improve business results by making your company matter to your employees.

"Manage" by Ze'ev Ronen - Front Cover

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Manage Cover Front w150My First Book: Manage! Best Value Practices for Effective Management

The book brings together a set of tools that every CEO should know, presenting them in a clear, concise and consistent fashion that will leave the reader with comprehensive and useful knowledge to assist them in their careers as managers.

Read the first chapter & Reviews from previous readers >>