תמונה: זאב רונן
" There is a tremendous amount of valuable information within every company and not all of it emerges in the form of information in the decision making and amelioration process. Ultimately, our objective is to create tools and work methods that will generate constant improvement whether or not we are present, and will continue for many years even after we have left the company. "

Ze'ev Ronen - Founder & CEO

Management With KPIs

Our Work Method - Targets and Indicators as a tool to help Improve Profits and Performance

There is a tremendous amount of valuable information within every company and some of it does not emerge in the form of information in the decision making and amelioration process. Ultimately, our objective is to create tools and work methods that will create constant improvement that does not depend upon our presence, and will continue for many years even after we have left the company.

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From My Blog

New posts on my Business Excellence blog.

Employee’s essential qualities: Managers’ perception and actions. First of two articles.
Written on 05-03-2025
The Marker magazine published the results of a survey it conducted in cooperation with Afeka -the Academic College of Engineering, a few weeks ago. This article presents some of the most important insights emerging from the survey and thoughts of three leading HR and recruitment managers. The article also discusses the differences I found between…
Do’s and Don’ts for new CEOs and managers
Written on 25-12-2024
When you are a new a manager, all eyes are on you. Whether you start in a new company or are promoted in your own company, it is important to learn, not to teach.
Do CEOs need a mentor & how to go about it?
Written on 11-12-2024
A survey regarding the characteristics required for successful management was conducted seven years ago. The survey’s analysis and results revealed that participants rated “mentoring abilities” one of the ten most important qualities of a successful manager.
How to become a transparent business?
Written on 09-10-2024
A company gave its employees a quarterly bonus. The bonuses were granted to employees who met their personal targets, which were determined according to an agreed scale. The employees were used to receiving the quarterly bonus and eagerly anticipated it at the end of each quarter.

Manage! Best Value Practices for Effective Management

Read the first book by Ze'ev Ronen: "manage!" provide a fresh look on how you can improve business results by making your company matter to your employees.

"Manage" by Ze'ev Ronen - Front Cover

Read the first chapter & Reviews from previous readers >>

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Manage Cover Front w150My First Book: Manage! Best Value Practices for Effective Management

The book brings together a set of tools that every CEO should know, presenting them in a clear, concise and consistent fashion that will leave the reader with comprehensive and useful knowledge to assist them in their careers as managers.

Read the first chapter & Reviews from previous readers >>